Shimmer Field at night
Shimmer Field with pedestrian
Shimmer Field vertical
Shimmer Field closeup
Shimmer Field being made

Shimmer Field

Martin Richman

Lexington Street Underpass

**NOTICE** Due to wind damage, the artwork has been removed as of November 2016.

British artist Martin Richman’s first public art project in America immerses the Lexington Street Bridge and passers-by in gently shifting, dancing, colored light. Dazzling, reflective, suspended dichroic strips move in the river breeze, creating a portal of ever-changing light to awaken the senses and signify entry and exit of the Museum Reach.


The San Antonio River Foundation commissioned and funded public artworks for the benefit of our community and in support of our partners in the $384M San Antonio River Improvements Project. All works along the Mission Reach have been donated to the City of San Antonio’s public art collection in perpetuity.

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San Antonio River Foundation

600 E Euclid Ave,
San Antonio, TX 78212

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Tel: 210.224.2694

Your Generosity Has Changed Your World

Since 2003, our Foundation has privately raised and reinvested over $43 million dollars in enhancing your San Antonio River experience. Our project partners —the San Antonio River Authority, Bexar County, the City of San Antonio, and the US Army Corps of Engineers — have invested over $789 million in river improvements for our community. Together, our investments have added over $3.6 billion in economic impact through adjacent private investment and development.
