Kelley V. Phillips

“If I had to make a choice between which river to call home, the San Antonio River is a clear winner.”
Kelley has been an avid outdoorswoman since childhood—always looking for that next adventure and new experience. Activating her degrees in Anthropology, Environmental Studies and an M.S. in Park and Resource Management, Kelley works diligently to cultivate the same sense of wonder at our natural world in everyone.
As the Director of Programs and Outreach for the River Foundation, she sees people fall in love with Confluence Park each time she’s on-site and considers creating programs which encourage stewardship of our natural resources her greatest accomplishment.
“Because of my environmental background, the literal meaning of ‘confluence,’ the meeting of two waterways, was second nature. But the park represents something greater than just geography–it’s a coming together of people and ideas.”
One of Kelley’s most cherished experiences was the first time she rode a bike along the Mission Reach. The billowing grasses, vibrant wildflowers and sparkling water was an unexpected delight for someone first arriving in Texas under the assumption it was a desert.
“I grew up in Omaha, Nebraska which, funnily enough, is also call the ‘River City.’ But if I had to make a choice between which river to call home, the San Antonio River is a clear winner.”